Frequently Asked Questions
We are fee-only, which means we only get paid by our clients (through financial planning and/or investment management fees). We don’t make any commissions or third-party kickbacks, which means that we are not incentivized to sell products. When we make a recommendation, it is because we truly believe it is the right thing for the client, not because we are making a commission behind closed doors.
The first step is to schedule a no-cost, no obligation introductory call. This will be a 30 to 45 minute call where we will get to know one another more and see if we are a good fit.
We work with people who are seeking to align their values with their finances. Our clients are ready for actionable financial advice and no longer want to make haphazard financial decisions on their own. Our clients want a partner who will help guide them in unearthing and reaching their goals (often multiple at once!).
We are fully virtual. This means that we meet with our clients in the comfort of their own homes, either through Zoom or at the kitchen table (for local clients). We intentionally invested in tools and systems that are designed for young families, which makes the financial planning process highly engaging and dare I say fun! Often, our conversations with clients look like conversations between close friends. It is not all about the numbers (though I am a numbers nerd), we truly get to know our clients and their goals and help them integrate their values with their finances.
Financial planning can seem abstract, especially for families that haven’t experienced it yet. We help address questions like, are you using your income wisely? Do you have the right mix of assets? Are you taking the right amount of risk? We have built a process that helps clients steward their resources better, save more on taxes and define and achieve their goals. Sometimes it looks like this—helping clients plan to pay cash for their dream car, setting aside money at the beginning of the year to fund a dream vacation, working meetings where we adjust 401k contributions and take advantage of tax strategies or employer benefits that were previously missed. At the end of the day, we will not recommend you work with us if we don’t believe we can provide you with more value than we receive in compensation.
We provide values-based investment management for our financial planning clients. Each client is invested in values-based investment strategies that are tailored to their specific goals and time horizons. We don’t invest in any company under the sun. We intentionally invest in quality companies that are doing good around the world, like fighting cancer, cleaning water and operating with high ethical and moral standard.
No! Long Planning was founded to help people steward their resources better, regardless of net worth. This is why we created our fee-only financial planning programs- so we can provide affordable, high quality and actionable advice.
Since we are fully virtual, we work with clients all over the country. Currently, our clients live in Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Oregon, Texas and Virginia.